The parking lot procedures for drop off and pick up exist for the safety of our children and teachers. Please adhere to the policies and share them with anyone who helps drive your children to and from school.
Welcome to SJV! In the morning, there is before school care beginning at 7:00 am. for students in grades K through 8. The regular drop-off time for students begins at 7:40 am and continues until the bell at 7:55 am. The students are to be in their classroom seated at 8:00 am. Please enter the parking lot from the East entrance. Follow the traffic pattern winding through the circle in front of church until the designated drop off at the end of the firelane. Students will use the sidewalk to enter through the front door of the school. Parents may park in the lot to escort their children to the front door. Students in grades 3K, 4K, and kindergarten may be escorted to the classroom until a routine is established to gain independence. 3K parents will always be asked to escort children or have their student walk with an older sibling. SCRIP sales may be handled through a standing order, emailed into Mrs. Bauer in the front office, or purchased in the morning in the office on the designated days for the school year. Thank you for adhering to the policies and following the guidance of the crossing guards.
Dismissal will look very similar to years’ past with a few minor changes. We ask that all cars park in the parking lot with headlights facing the school. This will ensure that no vehicle must reverse to get out of a stall. There is no parking in the very first lane with the trees and curb. If someone is in the spot in front of you, please be patient and let them pull forward to allow you to leave as well. We recommend that you try to park in the same spot every day so your child can easily locate your vehicle. If you prefer to come to the front sidewalk to walk your child to the car, please do. Students will be dismissed at the 3:00 pm bell following prayer except for Kindergarten and 4K. Kindergarten will be released at 2:55 pm. 4K will be released at 2:55 pm as well from the playground (East side of building). Again, we thank you for your patience as we learn these new procedures. We will see you soon!!