April 29, 2024
Dear Parents,
Attached is the Tuition Contract and Addendum for the St. John Vianney Roman Catholic School 2024-25 school year. Our parish is committed to providing a strong Catholic education. After a review of the budget and fundraising for this past school year, the parish has agreed upon the tuition rate of $2,650 per K-8 student. Annual tuition for the Pre-K4 program will be $1,400 for an 8-11am daily class and $1,400 for a 12pm-3pm afternoon program per student. The Pre-K3 program will be $1,200 for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, three days per week, and $1,400 for a full week program per student. The increase in tuition reflects our increase in staff to allow us the ability to offer a higher standard of academia to the students. Our school family relies so heavily on our fundraising goals, and because of the success this past year it was a smaller increase, but this trend must continue to avoid adding strain to the parish finances.
It is the Diocese’s goal that all schools be reliant on their parish for only 30% of their school budget. The congregation currently supplies the school with 38% of our operating costs. Our reliance on the parish is also reflected in the adherence to our tithing amount required. We encourage families to communicate if tuition becomes a strain and to please take advantage of our scholarship program. This is confidential and handled by the parish administration. Other charges and fees more fully described in the tuition contract and addendum include:
New and current families will use the application link on our website admissions page under the “How to Apply” tab to complete the registration form, tuition contract, and electronically sign the Discipline Policy and the Parent/Student Handbook. Please have this process completed by Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Contracts of current students returned after this date will accrue a $25.00 late fee. Please update all information on your Facts Family Portal as well to ensure that we have all current addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, and birthdates in the system. The non-refundable registration fee due for each student will be billed through FACTS immediately upon completion of the tuition contract.
We look forward to a continued relationship with your child and your family. May the Holy Eucharist enliven our Parish School and provide strength for the journey.